Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Makes a Good Reader?

            Vladimir Nabokov enlightens readers with his opinion on how he feels what a good reader is in the article “Good Readers and Good Writers”.  There are some ideas that I agree with and some that I don’t.  I agree with Nabokov when he says that you should feel the ideas the writer gives you and to have an open mind when beginning a new book.  Nabokov feels that if you start a new book with a preconceived generalization already made then you are starting off in a wrong direction and you “travel away from the book”(Nabokov 613).  Nabokov also feels you should use your imagination, since the author did; it’s only fair that you do as well.  A reader should also know when to use his or her imagination when the author gives a clear and specific detail of the world they created (Nabokov 616). Something I do not agree with is when he says one should not identify with a character in the book. I think that when you can empathize with a character or a scene in a book you are more engaged and alert to details which therefore makes you a better reader.
Some characteristics I believe make a good reader are being able to pay attention to detail, having an open mind and a good imagination, and being able to empathize with characters or a situation within the reading. Considering the fact that I am a serial skimmer and miss important details quite often while reading I can safely say I do not feel I am a good reader. Although, due to those negative characteristics I will reread things and that is one of Nabokov's characteristics of a good reader. I find that the more interested I am in the material the better I read. Luckily there is always room for improvement!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

English 102 intro

Just a little thought

I am extremely excited to start english 102. I loved english 101 and although this class has a different approach then my last I feel that it will still be just as interesting. I can honestly say I have never been into poetry but sometimes when you are forced to do things you don't want to or things that you wouldn't normally do you find out that those things aren't so bad and you may end up enjoying it (almost like this blog). I am looking forward to what I will learn this semester and to seeing everyone else's opinions!